Feel free to have a look around! Were still under a bit of construction so don’t mind the mess

-The Blessings Family

We’re in the business of supplying you with a high quality product without gouging your wallet!

Our Posts

  • Welcome to The New

    Greetings all who happen upon our website! We’ve decided over the past few weeks to pour much more effort into building this business to allow more people to enjoy our product! There are still lots of kinks that we are working out but we are hoping to have everything up and running soon! -Blessings

As our bees have been producing beeswax over the years we’ve been adding some to each batch of soap!

At Blessings, our curiosity is still our greatest feature. We don’t have a stale “Gotta make another batch of ‘pumpkin spice soap'” attitude. We don’t have machine that make or cut our soap. And we don’t have a standard recipe with standardized fats. We have fun. We find things we haven’t tried yet and we go for it. Each batch is its own adventure!

Wade W; Dad and Owner of Blessings

Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased in featured categories banner. 1 out of 3.

Top Quality Soaps

Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased in featured categories banner. 2 out of 3.

Stylize Your Own

Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased in featured categories banner. 3 out of 3

Great Gifts